We are now at Level One, which is basically business as usual, but in fact it’s not. Many argue that Covid-19 has impacted on NZ in a fundamental way & more change is inevitable. It’s a more Virtual World now. So, how might your firm respond from a marketing perspective?
It’s a Virtual World
he “New Normal”, as the post Covid-19 economic activity, is referred to by some, is at the moment, an evolving concept. Nevertheless, there are hints as to what the New Normal will look like. From a business perspective, there has been greater use of online platforms and working from home has become a norm for many.
How is a business to respond to this vague concept of the New Normal?
We can’t wait. Firms are closing, clients have difficulty in paying, business in the pipeline is evaporating, referrals are drying up, staff are taking a hair-cut and some are being made redundant.
Thanks to Covid-19, digital marketing is more important than ever as we have seen an unprecedented level of business digital/virtual transformation. It’s a much more Virtual World now. Even GP visits have been replaced by virtual visits!
Getting Back into Business
From a practical perspective, what does this mean? Cutting costs is an obvious (defensive) approach. But firms should also be promoting themselves more than ever (a proactive approach). There are several marketing strategies be implemented or strengthened, if the firm is to get back into business under the New Normal.
1) First up, be seen, be found, be engaging
- Ensure your website’s content is up-to-date, including the about us/staff information especially if you have had to shed staff
- Invest more effort into search engine optimisation. You need to be on page 1 of Google’s search results page if potential clients are to find you when searching for the very services you offer
- Use your blog to boost the firm’s visibility and credibility
- Give prospective clients a reason to contact you even when they are not ready to buy. Offer a free lead magnet (free PDF, checklist, report, eBook, etc.) to showcase your experience, knowledge, products and services. In exchange for their email address.
2) Secondly, build or strengthen your relationships with clients and prospective clients. Use newsletters to add value to the relationship, providing useful information relevant to those who subscribed or are clients.
3) Thirdly, raise your business profile. Make use of LinkedIn. Use posts and article to raise awareness of who you are and to add value to your connections. After all, people do business with people.
In all this digital profile raising work, focus on building credibility and confidence. Trust is in short supply. Make sure people like what they see and learn about your firm.
Marketing Assistance In these Uncertain Times
Digital marketing is what we do. We can assist your firm to adapt to the unfamiliar New Normal - to the Virtual World - where digital content is more important than ever.
Or call 027 460 3902